
All Things Russian: A Journey through Culture, Stories, and Food


I was born and raised in Russia when it was still a part of the Soviet Union, or USSR. For a long time, Russia was hidden behind the Iron Curtain and had a mysterious image of the Evil Empire to many Westerners, specifically Americans. But Russia was a mystery not just to outsiders, but to its own people as well. One of my college history professors used to refer to Russia as a country with unpredictable past. Why? Because every time a new leader came to power, all state-issued history books was changed and rewritten. And all history books were state-issued.

I have lived in the United States for the past twenty years, but I’m still fascinated by Russian history and like reading and researching it. In this blog, I will introduce you to some lesser known aspects of Russia, its culture, its people, and even its food. I hope you find it fun and interesting.

Since blogs can be hard to navigate, click here to see my website that attempts to organize my posts into different categories. It is still a work in progress, but I will be adding more information. I have been finding a lot of cool facts, factoids, and even Russian trivia as I’m starting research for my new novel, and I’ll be posting them under the category ANYA’S STORY (working title of that novel).

Enjoy and feel free to ask questions! I love researching and will try to find answers for you.


Julia Gousseva


30 thoughts on “About

  1. Tom Elias, Writer

    Thanks for the subscribe!


  2. Thanks for “liking” my blog. You’re looks very interesting – I look forward to your posts!


  3. Hi Thank you so much for subscribing to my blog 🙂


  4. Thanks for finding my blog so that I could find yours! I love fairy tales–they are true, you know. Sooooo, I am looking forward to the arrival of my self-cooking tablecloth (through your blog).


    • Fairy-tales are great, I agree! Up until about the age of 11, I was convinced that I could become a baba-yaga and kept trying to learn to fly on a broom. My parents got really worried.


  5. Hi thanks for liking my post it also lead me to your blog. I’m fond of cooking also and knowing your blog sparked an interest for me to try out your Russian recipe…This is really interesting!


  6. Thanks for liking my post. This is such an interesting blog!


  7. Glad you found lightscamerawomen! It’s helped me to find your blog- looks delicious.


  8. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Yours looks very interesting.


  9. Hello jgousseva,
    I was wondering if you would be interested in writing a guest post for my blog? It would introduce my readers to your blog and benefit us both. I think you have a unique perspective about Russian life and what it’s like in the states. I’d also encourage sharing about your book. If you are interested please let me know. Thanks Steve


  10. Anthony C. Fireman

    Thanks for liking my post. Your site is awesome. Keep it up!


  11. Julia, in appreciation of your finding of my site. I know nothing of Russia — though now I know a little more! 🙂


  12. Hello! Thanks for following me. I like the concept of your blog. Keep in touch!

    С уважением,
    Сергей. vdcsrewdfbgn


  13. The last word is just ‘gibberish’. I almost killed my laptop with cofee. Sorry. 🙂


  14. Hi Julia, How are you? It’s been quite a while since I’ve seen your avatar pop up on my blog. Hope all is well.


  15. Thanks for the note, Steve! I’m fine, just got busy. I’ve been working on a couple of new projects, including a Russian soup book, and will start posting recipes from it here soon :). I hope things are well with you. Your blog looks even better now!!!


  16. It is a pleasure to meet you. Anyone interested in history is a friend of mine 🙂 and I’m always looking for new recipes!!

    Liked by 1 person

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